Sa Pa town carefully prepared the election

On 23 May 2021, along with the whole country, the voters of Sa Pa town will hold the election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and members of People's Councils at all levels for the term 2021 - 2026. To make the political event meaningful This important event is taking place successfully, all levels and branches of the town are actively preparing the best conditions.

After receiving the direction of the central and the province, Sa Pa town issued plans and directives on the work of leading and directing the elections in the area, and at the same time established a Steering Committee for the election. commune, town election committee and direct agencies, committees, branches, unions, communes and wards to carry out necessary work.

Standing representative of Sa Pa Town People's Council discussed with reporters about election preparation.

In order for the election of deputies to the XVth National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels for the term 2021 - 2026 to ensure democracy, equality, law, safety, savings and truly a festival of the entire people, Ban Chi the town election director has directed the communes and wards to organize the implementation in accordance with the direction of the Standing Committee of the Town Party Committee, the plans of the Town Election Commission; proactively ensure progress, from the negotiation to select and introduce candidates to the National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels, the order of work before, during, after the election and immediately after the election. material and technical conditions for the election. Along with that, to study fully and in detail legal documents, resolutions, relevant guiding documents of the central and provincial levels to lead the election work to ensure compliance with the law ...

In Cau May ward, the introduction and selection of delegates are being carried out according to the process of law and guidance of specialized agencies. This term, the ward People's Council will elect 21 delegates and so far the first consultation has been completed, the expected structure, composition and distribution of the number of delegates have been completed. With the characteristics of a ward with a large number of ethnic minorities, of which 90% are from the Mong ethnic group, in the composition of ethnic representatives, Cau May Ward People's Council has planned a structure of 70% of the delegates. Mong people. Mr. Ma A Lu, Vice Chairman of Cau May Ward People's Council, said that the current difficulty of the locality is that the electoral officials are still confused, do not understand the process, so coming here, the ward People's Council will strengthen Ward cadres went down to residential groups to coordinate. Along with that, the facilities for the election work in the area are not guaranteed, the ward is expected to have 5 constituencies, but due to the lack of cultural houses of the population, it is not known that the polling place will be arranged. In addition, many legal documents, resolutions, and guiding documents are quite long, difficult to propagate to the people, ward People's Councils will have to compile and concise documents for people to understand and understand.

According to information from the Sa Pa Town Election Steering Committee, after reaching agreement with the Town People's Committee and the Standing Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Sa Pa town, until now, the People's Council of Sa Pa town has completed the construction. structure, composition and distribution of the number of delegates of the town People's Council term XIX, term 2021 - 2026. Accordingly, voters in the area will elect 30 members of the town People's Council, a decrease of 4 delegates compared to the 2016 term. - 2021, of which there are 11 delegates from communes and wards, non-Party delegates not less than 10%, young delegates not less than 15% ...

Mr. Nguyen Xuan Truong, Vice Chairman of the People's Council of Sa Pa town, said that along with ensuring the structure and quantity, the quality of delegates was particularly interested, not because of the structure but to lower the standards. The town has directed all levels and branches to implement the work of human resources to promote democracy and the Party's centralized and unified leadership, in association with the staff arrangement and planning for the 2020-2025 term of the Party. town ministry.

In addition, the Election Steering Committee of Sa Pa town also requires relevant levels and branches to build propaganda plans on the election of deputies to the XV National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels for the term 2021 - 2026. ensure quality, efficiency, thrift, creating an atmosphere of excitement among the people. Along with that, grasp the situation, develop plans and plans to ensure security, social order and safety; actively work out plans to cope with natural disasters and pandemics that may continue to develop complicatedly during the election.


According to Pham Son- Manh Dung/LCDT

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