The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee works with the Standing Committee of Lao Cai City’s Party Committee

On the afternoon of February 25, at the City Convention Center, under the chairmanship of Comrade Dang Xuan Phong, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee had working session with Lao Cai City Party Standing Committee on the implementation of political tasks of the city in 2021 and the following years.

Attending the meeting were comrades: Vu Xuan Cuong, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly delegation; Trinh Xuan Truong, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Committee of the People's Council, People's Committee of the province, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province, leaders of a number of departments and branches of the province.

The scene of the meeting.

Reporting at the meeting, Mr. Do Truong Son, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Lao Cai City Party Committee gave an overview report on the work results in 2020; tasks, key solutions for 2021 and proposals and plans of Lao Cai city to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.

Secretary of the Lao Cai City’s Party Committee - Do Truong Son reports on the implementation of the tasks in 2020 to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.

Accordingly, the state budget revenue in the city by 2020 will reach over 2,680 billion VND, an increase of 39% over the same period; new rural construction has been strengthened; urban construction solutions are strengthened, closely following the roadmap of level I urban construction. Policies for people with meritorious services, poverty reduction and social security are concerned.

The tasks of national defense, security, internal affairs and foreign affairs, Party building and consolidation of the political system have been comprehensively implemented by the leadership. Regarding the implementation of the instructions of the Provincial Party Committee, Lao Cai City Party Committee actively grasped, seriously implemented, issued directives, action plans, thematic resolutions, especially some important areas, urgent.

Lao Cai city proposes the province to strengthen reviewing mechanisms and policies to continue to amend, supplement and promote decentralization, creating proactive in management and administration for Lao Cai city; develop and issue a new set of advanced rural criteria for the period 2021-2025; assigning the city to study and propose policies to handle the old and seriously deleveld dormitory buildings which have been liquidated by Apatit Vietnam Co., Ltd to the workers' households; propose a number of policies and mechanisms for investment in technical and urban infrastructure in the area; some recommendations on the organization and apparatus. Lao Cai city also specifically recommends focusing on building Lao Cai city to develop comprehensively in the period 2021 - 2025, with a vision to 2030.

At the meeting, delegates participated in the Draft Report on the implementation of Resolution No. 06 - NQ / TU, dated October 20, 2016 of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on the development of Lao Cai city. a period of 2016 - 2020, with a vision to 2030; Draft Resolution of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on focusing on building and developing Lao Cai city in the period of 2020 - 2025 with a vision to 2030; Report on the implementation of the Resolution of the XVI Provincial Party Congress, the Resolution of the XXIII Lao Cai City Party Congress, the term 2020 - 2025 and the tasks in 2021; recommendations and proposals of Lao Cai city; the implementation of the provincial Party Committee's conclusions and directions at the working sessions with the Lao Cai City Party Committee in 2020.

The comrades of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, leaders of departments, agencies also gave some opinions and proposals on the implementation of political tasks, socio-economic development of Lao Cai city in Lao Cai city. the year 2021 and the period 2021 - 2025.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee

Trinh Xuan Truong spoke at the meeting.

At the meeting, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Trinh Xuan Truong suggested that Lao Cai city need to solve 5 bottlenecks, that is: Poor coordination between departments, specialized departments and with departments and branches of the province, is in the implementation of investment projects and programs; clarify clues to resolve, to be responsible for specific jobs; the application of information technology, criteria for level I cities, the premise of building a smart urban government has not yet achieved the desired effect; to completely settle cases related to prolonged and complicated petitions, letters and lawsuits; Site clearance for projects is still slow compared to districts and towns, especially key projects. In the coming time, the city should have a better strategy in exploiting its strengths in services, tourism, especially spiritual tourism; focus on urban construction, with priority given to key projects.

Deputy Standing Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Vu Xuan Cuong spoke at the meeting.

Speaking at the meeting, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Vu Xuan Cuong stated: The strategic task of Lao Cai city is also the common task of the province, especially the construction of level-I urban areas, Smart urban, building a new countryside. In terms of Party building, Lao Cai city should step up the work of creating resources and developing party members; improve the quality of activities of the Party cell, leadership role of grassroots party committees, commune and ward parties.

Speaking at the meeting, Secretary of the Party Committee Dang Xuan Phong emphasized: Lao Cai city is an important part of Lao Cai province, if the city develops, the province will develop, the province focuses resources for development. The city also invested in the development of strategic missions of the province.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Dang Xuan Phong concluded the meeting.

To bring into play the achieved results, Lao Cai city needs to properly address some shortcomings and limitations in leadership, administration and management; dismantling exists in liberation by; assign more tasks to branches, communes and wards associated with strengthening the responsibilities of collectives and units, and upholding the implementation of public service ethics of officials and employees.

The city has a good tradition, with natural space, quality human resources, comprehensive development potential, but still lacks clear highlights and breakthroughs. Therefore, in the coming time, Lao Cai city needs to actively innovate to meet the actual development requirements. province, province. The construction and completion of level I urban criteria need to go into reality, towards sustainability, without "burning the phase".

Regarding the proposals and recommendations, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee basically agreed, in which he highly agreed that the content of strong decentralization for the city in the direction of supporting the building of specific mechanisms and policies to create momentum breakthrough development. "Only decentralization can bring into play the spirit of creativity, proactiveness, strengthening responsibility, exploiting existing advantages and strengths", emphasized the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.

According to Cao Cuong - Hoang Thương/LCDT

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