Industrial development - economic growth "leverages"

The contribution of industry and trade to the province's socio-economic development in recent years has been creating momentum for a new development step of the industry in the 5-year 2021 - 2025 period. We had an interview with Mr. Hoang Chi Hien, Director of the Department of Industry and Trade about this content.

Production activities at Lao Cai Iron and Steel Factory.

Interviewer: Could you tell us the outstanding results of the industry in the previous years?

Mr. Hoang Chi Hien: In the first months of 2020, due to the double effects of prolonged dry weather and the Covid-19 pandemic, industrial production fell sharply. Starting in May, thanks to the activeness of businesses and the implementation of support measures in the entry of technical experts, the import of raw materials - fuels, machinery, equipment and product consumption. , production has recovered. Industrial production value has a high growth rate, is a bright spot, significantly contributes to the growth of the province's GRDP. Industrial production value exceeded 2.4% of the year plan, reaching more than 37,050 billion VND, up 12.5% ​​compared to 2019, exceeding 10.6% of the target of the Resolution of the 15th Provincial Party Congress to 2020.

In particular, the processing and manufacturing industry had a high increase in output, especially a new red phosphorus factory went into production, creating new products for the Lao Cai industry. The production value of the processing and manufacturing industry reached 26,380 billion VND, an increase of 10.3% compared to 2019, continuing to affirm that Lao Cai is the center of metallurgy and chemicals of the country.

The electricity production and distribution sector has brought into play the province's hydropower potential, the production value reached 7,907 billion VND, an increase of 35.5% compared to 2019.

Handicraft production and industrial promotion should be paid attention to development. Currently, there are more than 5,768 handicraft production establishments, creating jobs for 15,648 workers, average income of more than 4 million VND/person/month.

Goods in the market circulate smoothly with stable prices, improved quality, no shortage of goods, sudden price increases.

Interviewer: 2021 is the first year of implementing the Resolution of the 16th Provincial Party Congress, can you please tell me how Lao Cai industry and trade have developed a plan and specific solutions to realize the tasks, goals?

Mr Hoang Chi Hien: Entering the year 2021, Lao Cai industry and trade will be assigned industrial production value of 40,400 billion VND, total turnover of goods 38,800 billion VND, export-import value of 4.6 billion USD. To achieve the above goal, the industry and trade are focusing on implementing synchronous solutions. First of all, the industry actively coordinates with departments, branches and localities to remove difficulties, support enterprises to boost production and business, seek and expand product consumption markets; complete the contents of the field of industry and trade integrated into the Lao Cai province planning period 2021 - 2030, with an orientation to 2050; complete the project on adjusting the industrial zone west of Lao Cai city to the area of ​​Thai Nien and Phong Nien communes (Bao Thang) and implement the general planning of the industrial park when the project is approved; to attract investment in export processing, processing and manufacturing industrial parks in border-gate economic zones; implementing the Lao Cai province's border gate economic zone services development project for the period 2020 - 2025; building and implementing component projects "Developing logistics in Lao Cai province to 2025, with a vision to 2035", "Development of commercial infrastructure in the period 2020 - 2025" ...

Along with that is the urge to accelerate the implementation of key industrial projects in the province and inspect the implementation progress of 7 hydropower projects expected to be completed in 2021; well manage and organize trade promotion activities, including focusing on market information, China's border policies, promoting goods export and improving the quality of organizational coordination. Vietnam - China Border Trade Fair in 2021 in Lao Cai; in response to the campaign "Vietnamese people give priority to using Vietnamese goods" ...

In 2021, the industry determines that the development of businesses, the satisfaction of the people is the goal. Improving public ethics, strengthening discipline, discipline, renewing ways and working style; to step up administrative reform and information technology application. Unite, proactively create, innovate, strengthen decentralization, open up resources for a comprehensive development of Lao Cai.

Operating the sorting line at Bac Nhac Son Ore Refinery.

Reporter: The province's policy is to continue to promote the development of deep processing industry, reduce exploitation and preliminary processing, and encourage enterprises to innovate production technology, so can you please tell us the specific goals of next period?

Mr. Hoang Chi Hien: The Resolution of the XVI Provincial Party Congress determined to continue to maintain industrial development to ensure an important pillar for economic development, in which, focusing on deep mineral processing industry, focusing on public application. modern and advanced technology in production to improve quality, competitiveness and protect the environment. In order to successfully implement the industrial development target in the period 2020 - 2025, Lao Cai industry and trade branch is determined to focus all resources to promote investment and soon bring major projects to produce consumer products with sources. materials from commercial metal copper, commercial steel, basic chemicals put into operation: Ban Qua Copper Smelting Factory with a capacity of 20,000 tons of metal copper/year, High-tech electric cable factory with capacity 20,000 tons/year, Cast iron factory 500,000 tons/year, Steel rolling mill 1,000,000 tons/year, Chemical NPK fertilizer factory 50,000 tons/year, DAP factory with high quality 50,000 tons/year, Acid factory electronic phosphoric 60,000 tons per year, Poultry and fish feed additive factory 50,000 tons/year, newly invested in a new plant and expanded capacity of the current red phosphorus factory to 10,000 tons/year. ...

From 2021, for factories producing yellow phosphorus, it is necessary to improve and replace old and outdated equipment and machinery; renovating technology to use 100% apatite level II ores. Chemical and fertilizer factories (phosphorus, yellow phosphorus, DAP) will focus on improving and improving waste treatment technology into products of economic value to supply the market.

By 2025, all deep processing plants using apatite ores in the province will use 100% of level II apatite ore, powder ore and sorted ore.

By 2025, without exporting yellow phosphorus, yellow phosphorus factories will focus on improving and improving technology to use yellow phosphorus raw materials to produce products of high economic value ( red phosphorus, food acids, phosphate salts, rich phosphorus ...).

To bring the copper refining industry in the province to become the leading center of the country with advanced and modern technologies.

Interviewer: Thank you very much!

VIET VINH (performed)

According to Viet Vinh/LCDT

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