The Prime Minister approved the title of Vice Chairwoman of Lao Cai province for Ms. Giang Thi Dung

The Prime Minister has just signed the Document No. 888/QD-TTg dated May 24, 2020 approving the results of additional election of Vice Chairwoman of Lao Cai People's Committee for the 2016-2021 term for Ms. Giang Thi Dung, Provincial Party Committee Member, Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairwoman of Bat Xat District People's Council, Lao Cai province.

Ms. Giang Thi Dung (center) receives congratulatory flowers from the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People's Committee. Photo: Le Hang

Before that, the People's Council of Lao Cai organized the 13th meeting (extraordinary session) to dismiss and elect additional members of the Provincial People's Committee, term XV, period 2016-2021.

At this session, Ms. Giang Thi Dung, Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairman of Bat Xat District People's Council (born in 1975, Mong ethnic group) was elected to the position of Vice Chairwoman of Lao Cai People's Committee for the term 2016-2021 with the ratio 55/56 votes approval.

The Prime Minister also approved the dismissal of the position of Vice Chairman of Lao Cai People's Committee for the 2016-2021 period for Mr. Le Ngoc Hung, to retire according to the regime./.

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