The 14th session, provincial People's Council XV Session successfully held

In the morning of July 10, the 14th Session, the Provincial People's Council XV Session, term 2016 - 2021 continued with explanation and question answering session; listening to the speech of Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Dang Xuan Phong.

View of meeting.

In the question and answer explanation section, the delegates raised many issues about voters interested in related departments. Notably, the province's competitiveness index in 2019 decreased by 13 positions on the overall ranking of 63 provinces and cities and decreased by 24 places on the overall ranking compared to 2011; issues related to the new urban area project in groups 24a to 26b in former Duyen Hai ward, now group 13 to group 16 in Coc Leu ward, Lao Cai city; the temporary administrative boundary maps assigned to communes and wards with many routes do not coincide with actual situation, difficulties for population management, land and resource management in Sa Pa town …

Delegates raised questiones at the Session.

Delegates attending the meeting listened to leaders of Department of Planning and Investment; Department of Home Affairs; Department of Transport - Construction responds to questions from delegates at the meeting (Lao Cai newspaper has separate reflection on the contents of explanation, question and answer sessions).

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Dang Xuan Phong spoke at the meeting.

After that, the delegates listened to Mr. Dang Xuan Phong, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, making clearer statements on some issues that delegates and voters were interested in such as: Socio-economic situation of the province in the first 6 months of 2020; reports and statements of the provincial People's Committee and some recommendations of deputies and voters; Socio-economic development objectives, orientations and solutions for the last 6 months of 2020 (Lao Cai newspaper will summarize this important speech).

Delegates voted for resolutions of the Session.

After 1.5 serious and focused working days, the 14th Session of the 16th Provincial People's Council passed 12 resolutions, completed all the proposed and closing contents and programs.

Mr. Nguyen Van Vinh, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council spoke for closing Session.

Closing the Session, Mr. Nguyen Van Vinh, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's Council emphasized: In the remaining months of 2020, estimating that province will continue to face difficulties and challenges but with the spirit of solidarity, creativity, party committees and authorities at all levels in the province will be determined to strive to accomplish the goals of the resolutions of the Party congresses at all levels, successfully implementing the goals and tasks in 2020 that has been planned. He suggested that all levels and branches continue to monitor and understand the complicated movements of the Covid-19 epidemic in order to proactively take measures to respond promptly and quickly to production, business and concentration on remove difficulties and obstacles for all economic sectors, increase investment attraction, accelerate the disbursement of capital construction investment capital; direct and organize the implementation of ensuring the progress of the objectives and tasks according to Resolution No. 26-NQ/TU of December 19, 2019 of the provincial Party Executive Committee on the orientation and tasks of 2020 and the programs and plans set out, striving for early completion, achieving high levels of targets; organized summarizing 4 programs and 19 projects of the Provincial Party Committee. In particular, proactively prepare the conditions to successfully organize the Provincial Party Congress for the 2020-2025 terms, towards the 13th Congress of the Party; work and propose to the Central Government for guidelines and solutions to create favorable conditions for the province to implement and perform political tasks in the province.

The Provincial People's Council proposes to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council, the People's Committee, relevant departments, agencies, agencies and organizations to prepare conditions to ensure timely and effective implementation of resolutions passed by the provincial People's Council.

Resolutions approved at the meeting

-The resolution to confirm the results of additional election for the position of Provincial People's Committee member for the term of 2016-2021

-The resolution to adjust and supplement content of the regular meeting in 2020;

- Resolution of some issues that the Provincial People's Committee submits and approves the results of the agreement between the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council and the People's Committee between the two meetings;

-Regulation to repeal Resolution No. 01/NQ-HDND dated August 7, 1992 of the Provincial People's Council on: “Prohibition of planting, manufacturing, storing, trading, transporting and using opium - narcotic substances drug. Compulsory detoxication regime”;

-Resolution of Article 2 of Resolution No. 24/2004/NQ-HDND dated 13/12/2004 of the People's Council of Lao Cai province on the decision of state budget revenue and expenditure estimates in the locality, revenue estimates - local budget expenditures, plan for allocation of 2005 provincial budget estimates; decide to supplement the revenue adjustment ratio, adjust the allocation of budget expenditure estimates;

-Resolution to issue regulations on fees and charges within the authority of the provincial People's Council;

- Resolution on promulgating the regulations on the content and level of support expenses for agricultural extension activities in Lao Cai province;

- Resolution to stipulate the fee levels for public preschool and general education institutions in mass education in Lao Cai province in the school year 2020-2021;

- Resolution on improving the quality and efficiency of the management and procurement of medical equipment, supplies and medicines at public health establishments in Lao Cai province;

-The decision to approve the investment policy and to comment on the investment policy of some projects in Lao Cai province;

- Resolution on supplementing the list of constructions and projects that require land recovery to use for socio-economic development purposes for national and public interests; decide the policy of changing forest use purpose to another purpose in 2020 in Lao Cai province; approve changes of scale, location and number of works in adjusting land use planning till 2020 of Lao Cai province in the last 6 months of 2020 of Lao Cai province;

-Resolution of the 14th Session, Provincial People's Council Session XV.



Cao Cuong-Thanh Phu-Duc Toan/LCDT

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