Launching the project “Promoting Lao Cai women's businesses to expand business”

On the morning of June 30, a kick-off conference of project “Promoting Lao Cai women's businesses to expand business” took place in Lao Cai city, chaired by the provincial Women's Union.

View of Conference.

Attending the Conference, there were representatives of ODA Project Management Board, Great Project in Lao Cai; National experts on enterprise development support, numbers of female business owners and cooperative Heads in the province.

“Promoting Lao Cai women's businesses to expand business” project is to promote the development of enterprises, cooperatives, cooperative groups, production linkages or business households owned by women, contributing to successfully implementing national goals on enterprise development and national strategy on gender equality

Delegates hold talks at Conference.

Project was implemented from March 2020 to September 2021, in three localities: Sa Pa Town, Van Ban District and Bat Xat District. Through a series of quality and sustainable support services, aimed at supporting at least 30 businesses (cooperatives, households, businesses) owned or managed by women to increase income, of which, 21 businesses expanded their business; increase income for at least 135 beneficiaries; an effective network of local advisers…

Visit featured product display counters of community groups.

At conference, representatives of some businesses in the province shared difficulties and advantages in business activities and product promotion. Since then, a group of support experts and consultants has organized professional advice, connecting partners in the form of 1-1. Through technical connection session “Supporting local business development and building ecosystems”, many businesses, cooperatives and linked cooperative groups have found strategic partners in business. Thereby, continue to improve quality of product value chains, increase income, expand business.

Thi Khanh/LCDT

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