Drastically directing to complete task of socio-economic development

In the morning of July 1, the provincial People's Committee held a regular meeting in July 2020 to assess the situation of socio-economic development in June and the first 6 months of the year, implementing tasks in July; evaluate disbursement of development investment capital in 2020. Mr. Dang Xuan Phong, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee chaired the meeting. Attending the meeting were the Standing Committee of the provincial National Assembly Delegation, Provincial People's Council; members of the Provincial People's Committee and leaders of departments, branches of the province. The session is held online with districts, cities and towns.

View of meeting.

The highest economic growth compared to the Northern Midland and Mountain provinces

Assessment of socio-economic development situation in the first 6 months of 2020 of the Provincial People's Committee shows that, although the outbreak of Covid-19 epidemic spread, greatly affected all aspects of social life of the province, but with the province's initiative, creativity and flexibility in directing, administering and preventing and controlling epidemics have been implemented effectively (many innovative contents are highly appreciated by the Central Government), recovering and developing. The province's economic development has many positive signals.

Economic growth reached 6.08%, higher than the national growth rate, the highest compared to the provinces in the Northern Midlands and Mountains. Agricultural production strictly follows the seasonal framework; total grain food production reached 117 thousand tons, up 3.2% over the same period; Protection and socialization of afforestation have been actively implemented (reaching 57.3% of the plan, 2 times higher than the same period). The new rural construction program has been accelerated to achieve the whole 2016-2020 period (in the first 6 months of the year, 4 more communes were recognized as meeting new rural standards, bringing the total number of communes meeting new rural standards to 56 communes, accounting for 39.2% of the total number of communes).

The session is held online with the locality.

Industrial production value in the first 6 months of 2020 increased by 10.7% over the same period. Activities of services, commerce and tourism recovered quickly after the Covid - 19 epidemic was under control. The fields of culture, information and education are concerned and well implemented. Social security was focused, the province promptly implemented many urgent measures to support those affected by Covid-19 epidemic. National defense, security, and social order and safety guaranteed. Expanded external relations; Government building work, administrative reform achieved many good results...

Participants also pointed out the difficulties and limitations in implementing the socio-economic development tasks in the first 6 months. That is, the Covid-19 epidemic has caused many key socio-economic targets to be lower than the same period and less than 50% of the 2020 plan: The number of tourists and tourism revenue plummeted (total visitors decreased by 65% ​​compared to the same period of the year 2020) in the same period, reaching 18.2% of the plan; total tourism revenue decreased by 70.6% over the same period, reaching 14.5% of the plan). State budget revenues in the province decreased by 20.7% over the same period, reaching 29.6% of the yearly estimation. Natural disasters, unusual weather events affecting agricultural production and people's life; damage caused by natural disasters in 6 months is about 126 billion dong. The progress of construction of some important and important projects, constructions and planning of the province is still slow.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Dang Xuan Phong delivered a steering speech at the meeting.

Directing on the task of socio-economic development in the near future, Chairman of the People's Committee Dang Xuan Phong requested: The branches and localities should focus on drastically directing the development of tourism, import-export, budget collection in the area, resolving problems related to land, urban management.

Localities and branches need determination and drastic work in directing the implementation of socio-economic development tasks; it is necessary to be flexible in directing and actively finding solutions to remove difficulties, turning potentials and advantages into resources for development.

Urgently assess key projects during the term; At the same time, it is necessary to clarify three strategic breakthroughs in the coming period, including human resources, infrastructure and services and tourism.

Complete 6 basic contents including temporary house eradication; village cultural houses; rural transport; loudspeaker system; poor households; rural electricity right in 2020.

Right now, carefully preparing the conditions towards organizing the 30th anniversary of the re-establishment of Lao Cai province (1991 - 2021) ensures solemn, special and impressive. The localities actively develop plans, implement, create excitement and emulation among officials and people towards the XVI Provincial Party Congress.

Disbursement rate of development investment capital ranked 10/63 provinces and cities

Total plan of development investment capital in 2020 assigned by the province (including development investment capital in 2018 and 2019, which extends to 2020, hereinafter referred to as extended capital plan) is VND 5,226 billion. In particular, the extended capital plan (disbursement to the end of December 31, 2020) is 486 billion dong, disbursement value is 145 billion dong, equal to 30% of the plan; plan of development investment capital in 2020 is assigned 4,739 billion dong, disbursement value to date is 1,863 billion dong, equal to 39% of the plan. According to a report of the Ministry of Finance, by the end of June 2020, the disbursement rate of Lao Cai province ranked 15/126 agencies and units; ranked 10/63 provinces and cities nationwide.

The total number of newly constructed works in 2020 is 491 projects, of which 411 projects have been started, 80 projects have not started yet.

Department of Planning and Investment proposed that by the end of August 2020, all disbursement of the capital will last from 2018, 2019 to 2020; For the capital plan in 2020, disbursement reaches over 80% of the plan before September 30, 2020 and complete before December 31, 2020.

Director of Department of Planning and Investment reports the disbursement of development investment capital.

Based on the reporting of difficulties and limitations in the disbursement of development investment capital, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Dang Xuan Phong requested to review and adjust capital for the projects and investors that have slow implementation, even review and criticize investors for slow disbursement of investment capital, slow start-up of approved projects.


Thanh Nam/LCDT

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