The congress of the 20th Reconnaissance Company, Provincial Military Command

On the morning of June 22, the 20th Reconnaissance Company, the Provincial Military Command held the Congress for the period of 2022 - 2025. This is the first branch of the Provincial Military Party Committee to hold the congress to learn lessons.

Giving flowers to congratulate the Party Committee for the period of 2022 - 2025.

In the past term, the 20th Reconnaissance Company has regularly thoroughly grasped and strictly implemented the directives and resolutions of the superior Party committees, the Party and State's regulations for all cadres, solider. Firmly grasping the instructions, orders and military work plans of the province, annually deploying tasks close to the actual situation of the unit. Building a complete system of documents, strictly maintaining the mode of combat readiness; organizing practice exercises according to regulations.

Regularly good performance in law and discipline education has many progressive changes. The leaders well perform logistics and technical tasks in duties, strictly manage materials, technical equipment and practice saving. Strictly complying with the principles of centralization, democracy, collective leadership, and individual responsibility. Building solidarity and unity among the Party committees and commanders, actively promoting the study of and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style in association with the implementation of the Resolution of the 4th Central Committee (term XII); well performing political and ideological education for cadres, party members and the people. 100% of cadres, party members and soldiers have no signs of deterioration in politics, ideology, morality, lifestyle, and internal "self-evolution" and "self-formation" expressions. The branch has been clean and strong for many years, the unit has been strong and comprehensive, successfully completing all assigned tasks.

At the congress, they seriously and frankly pointed out the shortcomings that need to be learned and voted on the key tasks in the new term, in which focusing on leading to building a clean and strong branch, comprehensively strong units. Striving for 100% satisfactory test results, in which over 80% are good or excellent. Leading and directing to strengthen political education, legal education, ideological orientation to create a high consensus in the whole unit. Building for officers and soldiers with steadfast political courage, ready to receive and well complete all assigned tasks. Building safe units in association with building safe areas, doing well the mass mobilization work to build new rural areas; preventing, combating and overcoming the consequences of natural disasters…

With the spirit of serious and democratic work in accordance with the Party's regulations and charters, the 20th Reconnaissance Company, the Provincial Military Command elected the Party Committee level for the period of 2022 - 2025, including 3 comrades, elected the secretary, and the deputy secretary for the period of 2022 - 2025 and unanimously approved the Resolution of the Congress.

According to Pham Ho Truc/LCDT

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