Bat Xat farmers compete to get rich

In recent years, in Bat Xat district, there have been more and more farmers with good production and business, earning hundreds of million dong per year from cultivation, husbandry, service business models ... Meanwhile, production and business activities have become emulation movements with strong pervasive power among farmers, contributing to the achievement of celebrating the 16th Provincial Party Congress, the term 2020 - 2025.

Millionaire farmers

During business trips to the highlands of Bat Xat, along the new route along the Red River through the area of Tan Bao village, Ban Qua commune, we were surprised by the apple, mango, and green vegetable garden. Many people passing through here often stop to buy delicious apples, mangoes weighing nearly 1 kg, in addition to bananas, sugarcane, green vegetables of all kinds. I asked that it was the farm area of Mr. Ly Van Tien's family, a typical farmer with good production.

Talking with us, Mr. Tien said: Previously, my family was also in economic difficulty. Seeing that the land along the banks of the Red River is fertile and lush, the family has cultivated and planted vegetables, crops and fruit trees. Up to now, my family has nearly 3 hectares of hybrid apple, sour apple, mango, green skin pomelo, sapodilla, in which many trees have been harvested. I also invest in making more than 1,000 m2 of greenhouse to grow vegetables for 4 seasons. Each year, from cultivation, the family earns 300-400 million dong. It is expected that in the coming time, when all fruit trees can be harvested, each year, the revenue will be about 700 million VND.

Red Dao people in A Mu Sung commune preliminarily process Tuyet Shan tea.

Come to Ban Xeo commune, ask Mr. Vu Quang Hung, everyone knows because he owns a famous sorghum noodle production facility in this area. In 2016, his sorghum making factory operated, output reached 7 tons of sorghum and earned a profit of 120 million dong. By 2019, the establishment will be able to produce 17 tons of rice noodles, earning a profit of VND 280 million. Mr. Hung's facility has created jobs for many local workers, the average income is 72 million VND/person/year, higher than the average income per capita of the commune (37 million VND/person/year). Mr. Hung said: I have built a brand name "Hung Hien sorghum vermicelli production". The product has penetrated most of the market in the North and some southern provinces such as Long An, Tien Giang, Vinh Long. In the coming time, the establishment will continue to expand production, creating more jobs for people in the region.

Not only in Ban Qua, Ban Xeo, to upland communes of Bat Xat district, we met many examples of ethnic minority farmers actively developing their economy. Coming to Den Sang commune, the model of the professional association of forest honey beekeeping in Ngai Tru village is a typical example. Mr. Ly Kin Ngan, Dao ethnic group, Team leader of the professional group of honey beekeeping in Ngai Tru village said: The professional association for beekeeping was established in 2018, initially with 6 members participating, with 60 colonies. By the end of 2019, the nest admitted 10 more members, bringing the total to 16 groups with 163 colonies.

The members regularly meet and exchange experiences in caring for honey bees, such as how to divide, separate, prevent and prevent cold for bees in the winter, time, time to get honey, find out the price, the market. honey consumption. In 2019, members harvested 230 liters of honey, sold for 270,000 VND/liter, total revenue was about 62 million VND. Although the new model has just been formed, this is an effective link for economic development with many prospects, helping Den Sang upland farmers to reduce poverty sustainably and improve income.

Upland people emulate to get rich

Over the past years, the movement of peasants emulating good production and business in the area of Bat Xat district has increasingly spread strongly, each year there are more typical examples in economic development. In the period 2015 - 2020, on average, annually more than 3,000 households register to achieve the title of good farmer at all levels. The number of farmer households achieving the title of good production and business households at all levels by 2020 is 1,920. A commune with a large number of households registered and awarded the title of good farmer in production and business is Quang Kim, Ban Qua, and Ban Vuoc. In 2019, the whole district has 11 households who are offered to do good production and business at the central level, 97 good production and business households at the provincial level, 389 good production and business households at the district level.

It is worth mentioning, the district has more than 1,360 households engaged in production and business that are ethnic minorities, accounting for nearly 80% of the total number of good farming and business households in the district. In which, there are 175 farming households that do well in production and business, which are poor households who overcome difficulties. Typical examples are Mr. Fry Heng (Trung Chai village, Den Sang commune), Ly Van Vinh (village 1, Ban Vuong commune), Mr. Lo Dieu Sao (Lo Vang Chai village, Tong Sanh commune), Mr. Cao Xe Gia (village Kin Chu Phin 1, Nam Pung Commune) ...

Farmers of Y Ty grow medicinal plants.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Hai, Chairman of the Farmers Association of Bat Xat district affirmed: The movement of peasants emulating good production and business has encouraged and encouraged peasants to promote the spirit of solidarity, mutual love and mutual love, actively participating in the program of building a new countryside. After 5 years of implementation, up to now, Bat Xat has 6 communes meeting new rural standards, including Ban Xeo, Quang Kim, Ban Voc, Muong Hum, Muong Vi, Ban Qua; Two communes A Mu Sung and Den Sang are about to be recognized as a new rural standard.

Through the movement of peasants emulating good production and business, the Farmers' Association of Bat Xat district propagated and mobilized members and farmers in the district to contribute more than VND 5.5 billion and more than 17 thousand construction days. Rural infrastructure, which has renewed and repaired more than 36 km of rural routes, doubling compared to the previous period; newly built and renovated nearly 420 km of canals, 1,039 solid and semi-solid classrooms ... The above results contribute practically to the achievement of celebrating the XXIIIth Bat Xat District Party Congress and the XVI Provincial Party Congress, the term 2020 - 2025. 

According to Hoang Giap/LCĐT

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