Popular Check-in places for young people in Sapa

Sa Pa has many resorts and destinations for tourists to go and experience such as Ham Rong mountain, Ta Van village, Silver waterfall, Ban Ho, Cat Cat ... However, recently young people who love to “live virtual” have had a lot of New options for taking photos as well as discovering when coming to Sapa.

* Purple flower garden in Sa Pa

From the second half of this month, purple flower garden (primrose) has been in bloom at Fansipan cable car station area (Sa Pa). However, due to the Covid-19 epidemic, it was not until April 28 that this tourist area was open to visitors to view flowers.

As soon as appearing, purple flower garden in Sa Pa has been considered by netizens as “photographic paradise”.

Tourists are not too crowded, so having a beautiful photo frame to take photos is quite easy. It is expected that the purple flower garden will bloom until July. The 7.5-hectare purple flower garden is planted in 2019. Every day, thousands of tourists come to take pictures through the road on the side of Muong Hoa station. This is a medicinal plant, but when grown on a large scale, creates a unique beauty.

* Secret garden homestay

This is playground on Violet Street, about 500m from Sa Pa stone church; Including cafes, homestay resort, check-in points. With a series of unique play areas amidst the mountain scenery, this is a sought-after destination on social networks. 

 Secret garden homestay is a popular destination for young people.

* Swing Sapa 

Located at 87 Nguyen Chi Thanh (next to the Management Board of Hoang Lien National Park), Swing Sapa is a destination for many young people, because there are unique statues in the spacious, airy campus with an infinity lake exactly like a famous tourist spot in Bali.

 Swing Sapa has many unique statues for guests to check-in.

* Colors of heart - Heart Colors

Playground “Colors of heart” at group 2, O Quy Ho ward, 9 km from the center of Sapa town (on the way to Bac waterfall). This mixed entertainment area has many places for young people to take photos such as: heart bridge, lonely tree, swing, standing at these points, you can admire the majestic Muong Hoa mountain range. It is known that this place is free for guests to enter and lend costumes when coming here to take pictures.

Colors of heat - Heart Colors is a youth-style entertainment area.


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