Engraved by Uncle Ho's words, Lao Cai firmly makes the move

The year 2020 marks the 130th anniversary of birthday of President Ho Chi Minh, also a full completed four year of implementation of the Directive 05 of the Politburo in promoting learning and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, moral and style, to celebrate 62 years of Uncle Ho's visit to Lao Cai (1958-2020). This is also a pivotal year for “reaching the finish line”, realizing the objectives and tasks of the Party congress resolutions at all levels for the 2015-2020 term. Practicing Uncle Ho's instructions, for the past 4 years, the Party Committee and People of Lao Cai strive to learn and follow Uncle Ho's words and have achieved many results.

Lao Cai Scientific Workshop on 50 years of implementing President Ho Chi Minh's Testament.

First of all, the Provincial Party Executive Committee was soon aware of special role and the importance of studying and following Uncle Ho, understanding the great values ​​and political benefits from learning, especially in building and regulating the Party. Therefore, the Provincial Party Committee focused on directing regularly, continuously and uninterruptedly with the motto of initiative, creativity, choosing a number of steps, a number of key tasks, highlighting, creating the Real changes in social life. Before the Politburo issued Directive 05-CT/TW, Lao Cai was the province that soon directed the promulgation of a specific regulation, detailed regulations, specific requirements for learning and following Uncle in the entire Party Committee. In order to create a highlight, each year, the Provincial Party Committee focused on directing centrally and prominently such as: Launching a special emulation round with a focus on the content of "2 Proficiencies, 3 Rights, 3 No”(2 proficiencies: proficient in the job, proficient in local area; 3 Rights: right policy, right authority, right time; 3 no: no emotionlessness, no harassment, no hiding) in order to correct the norms, working style, attitude of serving the people of the officials on the 60th anniversary of Uncle Ho's visit to Lao Cai (September 23, 1958 - September 23, 2018) and 70 years of Uncle Ho's speech calling for patriotic emulation (June 11, 1948 - June 11, 2018); organized the contest “Understanding President Ho Chi Minh's Testament”, Scientific Conference “50 years of implementation of President Ho Chi Minh's Testament of Lao Cai” on honoring 50th anniversary of the implementation of Uncle's Testament and the activities to celebrate 130th anniversary of Uncle's birthday.

Besides the overall implementation of contents on learning and following Uncle, the Provincial Party Committee selected a number of breakthrough steps to focus on directing and creating a real change in social life. First of all, these are innovations in organizing annual conference by inviting senior experts at the Central to communicate in combination with live broadcast or online TV to the village so that officials and local People have conditions to study and acquire. Lao Cai is also one of the few provinces in the country that conducts the evaluation and classification of learning and follow Uncle Ho for collectives and individuals (according to the good and not good level) monthly, 6 months and annually for all officials and party members from the key leaders of the province to villages, hamlets and ward groups.

Engraved by Uncle Ho's words: “A vital example is valuable much more than a hundred propaganda speeches”, the Provincial Party Committee has continuously directed to the locals about “Registration” periodically monthly, 6 months and annually new models, typical collectives and individuals for widely publicized and multiplied. By doing that, in the past 4 years, Lao Cai has engaged thousands of typical collectives and individuals, praised and rewarded 914 collectives and 5,760 individuals. Originating from Uncle Ho's instruction: “Officials are the root of all jobs”, the Party committee inspects the cultivation and moral training for 1,046 collectives and 4,310 individuals, in which the Provincial Party Committee checks 14 party organizations and 14 leading officials managed by the Provincial Standing Committee.

With the spirit of initiative, creativity, not counting hours, not waiting for work, studying and following Uncle Ho in the province have made positive changes. In the past 4 years, the whole province has 172,460 turns of officials and party members voluntarily committed to set an example, cultivate and train morality (15.8% are key leaders and Heads); 41 troublesome administrative procedures were gradually eliminated; thousands of meetings and talks between the Head of the province and the people and businesses were carried out; 3,473 staffing has been simplified in the spirit of Resolution 39 of the Political Bureau ... There are many good models and best practices in the province, especially in the period of supporting the country prevent and control of Covid-19. Thousands of workers returning from China are centrally quarantined and were considerately, thoughtfully cared and absolute safety; the rice ATMs” continue to be a great source of encouragement to the poor; In the midst of the pandemic, Lao Cai still had a creative way to have the goods cleared through international border gate. And there are more than 4,000 simple but noble examples in many fields of the province are registered, honored and replicated in the whole province.

The Youth Union of the Provincial Organizations and Enterprises reported achievements to Uncle Ho.

Studying and following Uncle’s words in Lao Cai has made worthy contributions to the accomplishment of socio-economic development objectives and tasks, ensuring national defense, security and foreign affairs. In the past 4 years, the average growth rate of the province has always been over 10%; in 2019, the state budget revenue reaches nearly VND 10 trillion; 55/143 communes completed the goal of building new rural areas; the average income is 70.6 million VND/person/year; The poverty rate in 2019 decreased by 4.79%, currently down to 11.46%; Provincial competitiveness index (PCI) is always in the top of the country. Most of the targets of the Resolution of the XV Provincial Party Congress have been reached and exceeded…

In order to continue studying and following Uncle Ho in the province continue to go into order in the coming time, the province determines to continue promoting the spirit of initiative, creativity, research and application in accordance with local reality. Select some key and focused stages to focus on directing, creating a new breakthrough in learning and following Uncle. First of all, focus on directing the good implementation of requirements of the Provincial Party Committee's Regulation No. 28 of March 26, 2018 on promoting learning and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style in the area of Lao Cai province in order to create a more powerful and substantive change in the sense of cultivating and practicing morality, unifying the words and deeds of officials and party members; paying adequate attention to timely and urgent settlement of urgent and prominent issues among the People, raising the sense of service to the people and enterprises of officials and public employees in association with accelerating administrative and practical reforms and implementation of job replacement scheme.

Continue to promote propaganda, education, set an example in studying and following Uncle Ho through literary, artistic and journalistic works so that Uncle Ho's thoughts, ethics and styles will gradually and deeply ẻngaved in the heart, thought, transformed into actions of each official, party member and people in Lao Cai.

The results of the past 4 years are the reflection of the initial tryings and efforts of Lao Cai province. The Party Committee, the government, the army and the people of all ethnic groups in Lao Cai province pledged to Uncle Ho to continue their efforts to emulate and make more efforts, creating a stronger premise to successfully implement the objectives of the Party congress resolutions at all levels in the coming time, contributing to the realization of the goal of early turning Lao Cai into a development province of the Northern Midland and mountainous areas.

Member of Standing Committee, Head of Provincial Commission for Propaganda and Education


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