Create favorable conditions for production, business, production restoration

The Provincial People's Committee has just issued Official Letter No. 1883/UBND-TH, about the determination to strive to comprehensively accomplish the targets and plans for 2020 at the highest level.

The Official Letter requests agencies, units and localities to base themselves on the actual situation, to regularly review and adjust their work plans in 2020; proactively rearranging priority order to select key tasks to direct and accelerate the implementation.

Tourism restoration and development is one of the key tasks after the Covid - 19 epidemic is controlled.

Detailed contents that the provincial People's Committee directs are: Creating favorable conditions for production, business, restoring production, implementing synchronously and flexibly policies and solutions to stimulate production and promote economic growth.

  1. Tourism restoration and development

Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism:

- Promote promotion and advertisement activities in foreign markets, with priority given to promotion in the Chinese market after the outbreak is declared. Strengthen communication work. The whole industry needs to boost domestic tourism market, having a synchronous solution from organizing activities to stimulate domestic tourism; organize to link service providers to develop package tourism programs with preferential prices for tourists. Develop suitable new tourism products.

- Increase promotion and advertisement; carry out advertising campaigns on television platforms, social networks with content and messages affirming Lao Cai as an attractive and safe destination for tourists. ...

- Implement measures to prevent and control recurrence of diseases, ensure a tourism environment, regularly clean business areas, and take measures to ensure safety for tourists and staff at business establishments; coordinate with functional units to collect waste to ensure hygiene and environmental protection...

- Proposing the Provincial People's Committee solutions on financial support for community-based tourism and tourism service businesses; developing tourism products; promoting and advertising tourism; information technology application, tourism development links; training tourism human resources; preserve and promote the values ​​of culture, monuments and landscapes in the province.

  1. Promotion of import and export activities

Department of Industry and Trade, Provincial Economic Zone Authority, Provincial Customs Bereau:

+ Ensuring clearance of goods in a convenient and timely manner to remove difficulties and problems in goods import and export activities.

+ Reviewing operation status of warehouses and yards in the province (especially frozen warehouses) to serve goods storage activities in case they have not yet been cleared for customs clearance.

+ Continuing to advise the Provincial People's Committee to report to the Government and negotiate with China on the proposal to open one or two auxiliary border gates or openings for border residents to exchange and consume agricultural products; open bilateral pairs of Ban Vuoc border gates - Ba Sai, Muong Khuong - Kieu Dau; allow import and export of goods via international railway border gates; reforming administrative procedures, extending the time for approval at the pair of international border gates No. 2 Kim Thanh - Bac Son.

+ When epidemic diseases are controlled at a safe level, facilities and people at border gates should be well prepared to meet the needs of trade; proactively and actively implement agreements reached by agencies between Lao Cai (Vietnam) and Yunnan (China); organizing talks, exchanging information with Chinese functional forces to remove difficulties and barriers in import and export; accelerate the establishment of pairs of border markets between Lao Cai and Van Nam; capture information, promptly notify domestic enterprises to avoid stagnation at the border, and at the same time prepare goods well in time to organize trade activities.

+ Promoting measures on payment, credit, ensure capital for export and import activities, especially enterprises affected by, and damage from, the Covid-19 epidemic...

+ Immediately taking measures to organize import of machinery, equipment, supplies and fuels by road via Lao Cai international border gate.

+ Establishing processes, procedures and managing operation at auxiliary border gates and entrances well after reaching agreement with China and getting permission from the Prime Minister.

+ Adjusting trade promotion activities to export goods towards new markets to reduce dependence on Chinese market.

- Provincial Border Guard Command: Coordinate closely with units: Department of Industry and Trade, Management Board of Economic Zone of the province, Department of Customs of the province, handling flexibly, ensuring the import and export of goods at the border fast and smoothly.

- The Economic Zone Authority shall be mainly responsible for perfecting procedures and performing the renovation and repair of inter-branch houses of Lao Cai International Management Center - Road No. I border gate along the direction of development into a model border gate.

  1. Domestic trade development

Department of Industry and Trade is responsible for:

- Promote the propagation and provision of information about epidemic to production and business establishments in the province (focus on propaganda to enterprises doing business in supermarkets, trade centers, to market areas, retail center, convenience store, ...) in order to stabilize production, business and service activities in the area, ensuring stable and normal trade activities. Mobilize a number of enterprises to organize mobile sales, supply of products to epidemic areas under the guidance of functional agencies (focusing on essential food, foodstuff and consumer goods). Encouraging traders to organize small-scale convenience stores in residential areas to reduce concentration of crowded people and help to strictly control the quality of goods. Propagate and encourage promotion of e-commerce activities.

- Organize activities to promote domestic trade and markets outside China to search for consumer markets for locally produced products (yellow phosphorus, agro-forestry and forestry products). Organization of working with fruit processing units (canned, dried); official export purchasing units (for banana products); purchasing units supply fruits at major wholesale markets in the country to sell products.

- Direct enterprises and commercial business units to coordinate with enterprises outside the province to receive consumption of commodity products (especially agricultural food products) to ensure the quality, hygiene and safety of food products and supplies for local people in the province in the time of not being exported.

The Market Management Department shall intensify the inspection and control of the market, detect and prevent in time objects who take advantage of the epidemic situation to speculate in goods, causing artificial scarcity, fake goods and imitation of goods in the market, especially essential goods in epidemic prevention.

  1. For transporation industry

Department of Transport - Construction is responsible for:

Developing a plan to operate transport route to temporarily apply during the Covid-19 epidemic, in which temporarily reducing the number of trips/ turns on the route; after the temporary lockdown of trips/ turns, transport units continue to implement the same route operation schedule plan.

Removing difficulties for transport activities through Lao Cai - Ha Khau international border gate. Develop plans to transport imported goods, machinery, equipment and raw materials for production, and report to competent authorities for consideration and direction.

  1. Remove difficulties and develop industry

Department of Industry and Trade:

+ Promote mineral exploitation, be ready to prepare raw materials for production to increase after the epidemic (ensure following assigned plan). Continue to maintain production of processing industry and hydropower products as planned.

+ Remove difficulties for large industrial projects to be put into operation in the year on schedule: Ban Qua copper metallurgy plant, hydropower plants.

+ Collaborate with enterprises and specialized agencies of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to find and supply of raw materials, machinery and equipment shortages (previously imported sources in China) in domestic market and abroad; consumer markets of industrial products in Lao Cai. Coordinate with Chinese agencies to immediately implement measures to organize the import of machinery, equipment, supplies and fuels by road via Lao Cai International Border Gate to ensure timely progress and reduce costs.

+ Advise the Provincial People's Committee to request the Government to allow the export of iron ore and deluvi to eligible businesses in order to contribute to solving difficulties for enterprises.

- Industrial production units:

+ Rebuilding production plan, optimizing technology; rearranging labor; reducing costs ... Actively importing machinery, raw materials and fuel from China to the country by sea to minimize the impact of the disease. Actively seeking shortage of raw materials to replace supply from China.

+ During difficult production period due to active disease outbreaks, the warranty and maintenance of machinery and equipment, training for workers, and implementation of chemical incident response drills (for chemical production enterprises)... to get ready to boost production when difficulties pass.

+ Actively grasp the market situation to actively prepare raw materials, materials and equipment to ensure regular production. Well organized production, ready to prepare forces to meet market demand when it recovers.

  1. Development of agricultural industry

Department of Agriculture and Rural Development shall be responsible and coordinate with other departments, agencies and localities to:

- Focusing on promoting production with the following objectives: (1) Promote production to ensure completion and exceed the assigned plan, providing sufficient agricultural products to the market; (2) Concentrate, drastically prevent and control diseases not to spread, promote repopulation, reduce pork prices; (3) Preparing the best conditions for agricultural production and consumption when the epidemic is over, localities must exploit the potential and strengths to break through.

- Preparing all conditions on seeds and fertilizers for crop production to ensure the completion of the plan. Proactively speeding up the rice-growing season, increasing crops on 1-crop and 2-crop rice fields. Strengthening the direction to expand production of other crops to meet and exceed assigned plan in terms of area, capacity and yield; apply safe and organic production technology processes to improve product quality and value. Expanding the area of ​​green vegetables to serve the needs inside and outside the province.

- For concentrated commodity products (bananas, pineapple, tea), focusing on market factors, investing in the development of commodity lines along value chain, linking with markets and processing. In the immediate future, to create conditions for the construction of a pineapple and banana processing factory in Muong Khuong district and an agricultural product processing workshop in Bat Xat; plants processing citronella oil, cinnamon ... Propagate, guide the people to apply measures in preliminary processing, processing and preserving agricultural products such as: air-drying, drying, processing starch, canned, ... for reservation and storage.

- Prioritizing the development of local specialty fruit tree varieties, granting planting area codes; promote research, select, restore and develop fruit trees with productivity, quality, spread the harvest to serve domestic consumption and export of fresh fruits as well as ensure raw materials for processing; continue researching and applying technology in preserving and processing agricultural products.

- Effective protection of livestock and pig herds; prevent influenza in poultry and other epidemics. Continue to restructure livestock industry by region, accelerate the progress and scale of the herd; building models of production linkages to find stable consumption markets for animal and aqua products in the province. Developing the herd of cattle and poultry to exceed 5% to 6% of assigned plan in 2020.

- Improving capacity and efficiency of operations of cooperatives and cooperative groups; effective implementation of the Scheme of One Cooperative One Product (OCOP). Continue to build safe agro-forestry and food supply chains, certify safe products and promote markets, promote safe products on mass media. Enhancing trade promotion activities, building, connecting products and safe product chains with consumers. Regularly updating price and market information; creating the best conditions for companies and businesses to join in the production, export and consumption of agricultural products.

Also in this document, the Provincial People's Committee requires investors, chairmen of People's Committees of districts, towns and cities to strictly comply with the directions of the Prime Minister, ministries, central branches and the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Committee ... in speeding up the payment of allocated capital sources, expeditiously bringing public investment capital into the economy, contributing to stimulating the economy. Request to strive to the end of 2020, 100% of the plan was disbursed.


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